My Sweet Baby Boy,
I love you more and more each day. Your smile makes my heart warm, your dancing and your laugh make me giggle, the way you become more mobile, talkative and clever every day amazes me. You’ve grown so much in the past ten months, both physically and developmentally. You’re very bright and curious, you always have been, but it’s really starting to show these past few months how much you’ve learned in your ten short months!
You took your first steps this week, and you are SO proud of yourself when you walk all alone. Although you’re only taking a few steps before you start to wobble and we have to catch you, I’m still so proud of you! You’ll be running in no time!
You’ve got 4 teeth now, although the top two are just poking though. I can’t wait to see how your face will change when we can see that adorable little gap-toothed grin!
You do so many cute and funny things. When you’re playing with your wooden animals, you like to growl like your making animal sounds. When daddy puts on country music you get so happy and start dancing (flapping your arms!). Your favorite song right now is Gord Bamford's “When Your Lips Are So Close”. You like to put whatever you’re holding near my mouth and if I pretend to chew it, you laugh hysterically! You can wave, give kisses and high-fives. You love pointing the remote control at the TV and pressing the buttons… such a boy! You love to play tug-o-war with Lucy and the blue bear, and you also throw her the tennis ball to fetch! Your favorite toy (this makes your daddy SO proud) is your mini hockey stick.
You now nurse 4 times during the day (when you wake up, after both naps, and before bedtime) and sometimes once during the night. It took some effort to get you to sleep without breastfeeding, but now you go down really well with just a minute of rocking and a quick song. You also sleep much better at night now that your can put yourself back to sleep consistently!
You eat 3 meals a day and 1-2 small snacks, and you LOVE healthy food. Fruits, veggies and yogurt are your favorite. When mommy is at work, you drink whole milk and water out of a straw cup no problem too! I was so stressed that you wouldn’t drink anything when I went back to teaching part-time, but my first day back, you drank milk from a straw bottle like it was something you had always done!
You’re ten months old, but I still can’t believe I haven’t known you for years. You’re my main man, my sweetness, my monkey, my Easty Beast, my Boo-ka-boo. I love being your mommy. I wake up so happy (even before 6:00 am!) because I get to spend my day with you. Although you’re almost a toddler, you’ll always be my baby.
Love you to the moon and back.
- Mama