You’re 3.5 weeks old, but it feels like you’ve been a part of our family forever! We love you so much. You’re 8 lbs 14 oz and 22 inches long now. Mommy and daddy are trying to enjoy every second of you as such a little peanut because you’re growing so fast!
We’ve been taking lots of photos and videos of you. You make the silliest faces and we love capturing them!
Your favorite place to sleep is in your Mama Roo swing (or the Spaceship, as we like to call it). You also got a new play mat last week, and you love laying there hitting the toys that dangle from above, and watching Mr. Sun light up and play music. You kick your legs like crazy, and I can tell you’re excited!
You also love watching and listening to your musical change table bumper. The zebra is your favorite to stare at. It makes diaper changes more enjoyable for mommy since it distracts you from crying!
Daddy loves laying in bed with you in the mornings, showing you videos and games on the iPhone/iPad and it’s adorable to watch you focused so intently on what he’s showing you! You’re a very alert baby!
I started putting you in the BabyBjorn carrier this week, and you love being close to mommy as she gets things done around the house. I also took you outside in it, on a walk with Lucy. You were all bundled up, and you fell asleep right away.
Your “fur sister” Lucy, loves you very much. She checks on you as you sleep, and likes to lie close to you. She protects you like you were her own! I can't wait to watch you interact with her as you grow up.
Your a big fan of bath time. You like the water to be warm, like mom! You find it relaxing and soothing. You HATE when I take you out but as soon as your wrapped in your towel with your soother, you’re as happy as a clam.
That’s all for now. I’ll write to you again in a few weeks. I love you very much, baby boy!
Love always,