Happy 2014 everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Years, and that you’re enjoying the fresh start that a new year brings.
I know I remark every month about how fast Easton is growing up, but I really cannot believe he turned ONE today! The baby days are gone... Hello toddler-hood! A whole new ball-game. I was a little teary eyed last night as I put him to bed, my little squishy newborn is now a 25lb toddler (still a baby to me!) and although I love seeing him grow and learn, I just wish the first year didn’t go by so quickly.
Since the last time I blogged (his ten month update), quite a bit has changed… Easton is full out walking now. He took his first independent steps before he was 10 months, and by 10.5/11-ish months he was toddlin’ like a pro! It’s so cute when he walks because he uses his arms as much as his legs, as a way to balance I suppose, so he’s always got his hands up near his shoulders. He also doesn’t bend his knees very much so he kind of thuds along, swaying side to side a little bit. It’s pretty adorable, if I do say so myself.
He’s also learned to go DOWN the stairs, which is a great skill to have but scares the bejeezus out of me because he’s not 100% proficient at it yet, and tends to get distracted by things and slip. We have to follow behind him in case he takes a tumble, which he’s almost done on numerous occasions! Boys!
Easton also says a few words which is just CRAZY to hear. He says mama, dada, uh oh, and I think I’ve heard him say ‘da’ (dog) and “baow” (ball) a couple of times. He also points at things he wants or where he wants to go, and makes a cute “oh” sound as he does it.
His sense of humour is developing nicely and whenever someone he knows makes a silly face or does a crazy gesture, he laughs hysterically! He’s got an amazing belly laugh that is so hard to describe, but it just warms my heart.
On the flip side, I have noticed he’s starting to throw mini tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. He pulls the huge pouty face and whines and squeals so loudly, it’s such a cringe-worthy sound! I usually distract him by pointing at something and saying “Ooohh look Easton” after which he does the aforementioned “point and OHHH”, but sometimes I just ignore him and he stops right away once he realizes I’m not down with that!
He still loves to eat, and his repertoire of foods is expanding. We recently got back from a week in Mexico where he tried lots of new things! I’m also still breastfeeding him 3 times a day - when he wakes (6:30-7:00 ish), around noon, and at bedtime (7:30-8:00). I have plans to wean him down to just the morning and bedtime feeds in the next couple of weeks as I hope to pick up more supply teaching during the day. We’ll see how that goes! Ultimately, I’m ok with nursing twice a day until 18 months or so but I don’t think I’ll go beyond that, although the World Health Organization is now recommending 2 years. He gets a bit of cows milk from a straw bottle here and there, so hopefully the transition goes smoothly.
Sleep is going great! He still takes two naps a day (albeit short ones) and finally sleeps through the night for 11 hours! Hallelujah!
Easton had an awesome birthday party this past weekend which you can read about here:
To our little man on his very first birthday,
Easton, you bring a smile to our faces every single day. You are such a happy, smart, handsome, silly, determined little boy and we're so proud to be your parents. Getting to know you this past year has been the best time of our lives and we can't wait to watch you grow in the coming year.
We love you more than anything!
Happy Birthday E!
Love you always,
Mama & Dada
I think that’s it! Sorry for such a long post but I didn’t want to miss anything.
I'll leave you with some adorable Cake Smash photos that I took yesterday!
Have a great day :)