Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fifteen months!

Easton has changed so much in the past few months, especially in terms of his cognitive development, so I thought I was due for an update.

It seems as though he understands 90% of what we say to him (although whether he chooses to listen is another story entirely). He is able to follow simple instructions, and although he can't say more than a few words, he can express his feelings and let us know what he wants or needs. 

At fifteen months, his vocabulary consists of “that” (sounds like dat), “there” (dare), dada, mama (very rarely... usually only when he wants food right off my plate), doggy (although we haven't heard him say it in a while), ya, and uh-oh. I'm really excited for this vocabulary "explosion" over the next few months, so he can communicate with us more easily. 

Some of the things he can do physically now (I suppose most are since his first birthday) include; putting his boots on, brushing his teeth (even though it's more like sucking the toothpaste off the brush), climbing the playground, going down the slide (on his stomach, feet first is his preferred method), drinking from a cup (most of it ends up on his clothes but he sure tries hard!), using a fork and spoon, signing “all done” when he’s finished eating, pointing out his head, feet, toes, belly button, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, identifying dozens of different animals and everyday items in books, and building pretty impressive towers with his lego blocks. I'd say he's pretty clever, but I guess I'm a little biased. 

He loves his stuffed gorilla Congo, being outside (in any weather!), going to the park, walking Lucy (he insists on holding her leash too), dancing, being chased, helping me sweep, cook, put the laundry in the machines (and press the buttons) and then “fold" it, playing with bubbles, cars, trucks and balls, reading and going to the library, taking baths, his soother (we're working on it...), watching Curious George, eating fruits and veggies, yogurt, raisins, cheerios and pasta, and giving us kisses.

He hates having his diaper changed, drinking milk, coming inside, having his nails clipped, long car rides, and when you don’t acknowledge him in under 0.07 seconds. 

He weighs about 25 lbs, is 32.5 inches tall, wears size I8 months – 2T and has size 6 feet. He hs thinned out a ton in the last few months, and is starting to look like a toddler instead of a baby. He has ten teeth, including 2 molars (with another breaking through at the moment - not fun). He sleeps approximately eleven hours at night (8pm-7am) and still takes two daytime naps, one in the morning for 1.5 hrs, and one in the afternoon for about 45 minutes.


He has such a sweet personality. He's sensitive (definitely from my side of the family!), determined , curious, careful, helpful, outgoing and oh-so-charming (he's got me wrapped around his finger, thats for sure!).  He’s rarely in a foul mood, unless he hasn’t gotten enough sleep or he's in pain from teething. He has his cranky, clingy days - like any kid - but all in all... he's a keeper! He’s not shy with other people or kids, although he can take a few minutes to warm up to others and trust them, then he's your best bud. He's at SUCH a fun age right now - I can't wait for summer, for being outside, exploring, and going to the park/beach/zoo!

Love this little man! Here are some photos from the past few months.

The above are all from our family trip to Mexico in January.

And the climbing phase begins... 

Easter brunch 
7 am: A little too eager...  
Shopping with daddy ... there's nothing more fun apparently!

Selfies with mama wayyyy too early

Smoothies are a crowd favourite

The snow had finally melted enough that we could use the sidewalks!

Apparently he liked it...  
First trip to the park this year