Welcome to "From Bump to Babe" - my pregnancy blog! I thought it would be a neat idea to start a blog in order to keep family and friends updated on how my pregnancy is progressing. I'm 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant today and my due date based on our first ultrasound is January 12th 2013! (Due date based on the dates I think we conceived is Jan 14th, but I like the 12th better lol).
So, what have the last 13 weeks been like you may ask? Let me share some details of how things have been going since I found out I was pregnant!
Let's rewind all the way back to April 26th, 2012. It had been all of 1 week since we started trying to conceive and already, I was feeling symptoms! Now, it could have all been in my head but my breasts were sore, I was gassier than normal (TMI, sorry!) and I was definitely more tired than usual. The symptoms continued so, four days later, on April 30th, I decided to take a home pregnancy test - negative. Ok, maybe I'm imagining things? NOPE - 2 days later, I picked up a First Response Early Result home pregnancy test (supposed to be able to detect the pregnancy hormones up to 6 days before your missed period) - it came out as a VERY faint positive line! (pic attached). So, 2 days later (May 2nd) I thought I better double check and I picked up an identical test and it was a DEFINITE positive!!!! :) Pregnant on our first try! Call me Fertile Myrtle!! :P
I called and made a doctors appointment for the following week, 3 days after my period was expected, and got it confirmed by my awesome family doctor! The following week I had my pre-natal blood work done and everything looked great. I was officially 5 weeks pregnant! We told our parents on Mothers Day (mine first in Georgetown and then Dan's in Waterloo) - everyone was delighted!
At 7 weeks, 3 days I had my pre-natal physical, and again, all the results were good. I had my first REAL bout of morning sickness that day and had my head in the toilet all morning. My doctor was nice enough to offer me a prescription for Diclectin, which I gladly accepted. It works wonders - thank goodness! (and its completely safe for baby - its been used in Canada for over 40 years)
On June 13th (9 weeks, 5 days pregnant) we had our first ultrasound and it was absolutely AMAZING to see our little gummy bear (you'll understand why I call it that when you see the photo!) and watch it wiggle around inside of me! The ultrasound tech said it measured exactly as it should and that it was very active! We got a few pictures to take home where they are proudly hanging on our fridge.
The most recent update is that we finally announced our pregnancy on July 3rd after a long and difficult 12 week wait! We held off telling everyone except for family and our closest friends since we wanted to make sure baby was healthy and until the chance of miscarriage was much lower than in the early weeks.
So, here we are! 13 weeks and 3 days! I had my monthly pre-natal this morning and although the doc tried to find the heartbeat using the Doppler, she said baby is probably just positioned in such a way that the heartbeat is too faint to pick up, which is completely normal. She reassured me that it was about 50/50 - half the time she can find it, half the time she can't. My next appointment is on August 3rd (I'll be 17 weeks), and she said we'll definitely hear it then! :) Gotta be patient!
I think thats about it for now. Enjoy some "pee on a stick" and "Gummy Bear" ultrasound photos!
Can you see the very faint line on the first test?
(dpo stands for "days past ovulation")
Ultrasound at 9w5d - isn't our little Gummy Bear CUTE!?
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