So, I think I’ll start off this LONG post of updates, with a belly comparison shot. The first is from 9 weeks when I started “showing” and the last I took today, the start of week #29! Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if I’m growing since I see myself everyday, but when you compare photos, side by side, I can’t believe how much I’ve changed in the last few months! I’ll probably do another 2 or 3 of these over the next 2.5 months to compare the belly throughout the entire pregnancy!
Alright so, I had a super productive week and I’m finally starting to cross things off the “To-Do” list! You never know when baby will choose to arrive (HOPEFULLY it’s at at least 37 weeks so we know he’s finished cooking!), so it feels good to get things done now while I can still move comfortably and the weather is decent enough.
My mother-in-law and I went to order the stroller and car seat last week, and to my surprise, the carseat I wanted was on sale so I bought it in stock and got 15% off! (sidenote: don’t you hate when you write a long sentence and forget enough high school grammar to remember where to put the commas?... Whatever. I’m only an elementary school teacher. Deal with it).
On the weekend, Dan and I cleaned out the garage and reorganized the furniture in the spare room so we can fit the glider. My large computer screen is in clear view so I can turn on a movie to keep me awake during late night feedings. The bed is also an option if I’d rather just fall asleep.... LOL is that safe?! I’m just resting my eyes, I swear!)
What else... OH, I made a birth announcement (Well, the template really, since we obviously need to wait until he’s born for the photos). I found the idea on Pinterest and just made my own in Keynote. It’s pretty darn cute. We plan on sending it as an email, rather than mailing them out. Who uses snail-mail anymore, let’s be honest!)
I also wrote a letter to our little dude, during a sentimental moment the other day (I may or may not have just finished a good cry during TLC’s A Baby Story, LOL). I think it’ll be really cool for him to read, when he’s old enough to understand. Dan’s working on one as well (what a good daddy!).
I had my first appointment with my obstetrician on Monday afternoon. It went very well, other than the 2 HOUR wait to see her! I even arrived 15 minutes early (as I always do for appointments... I hate feeling rushed), only to be sequestered in the smallest waiting room known to man with no book to read and, worst of all, no snacks! Talk about a “hangry” preggo lady! Anyways, she seemed lovely and very knowledgeable, once I finally met with her. I’ll be going every 2 weeks until I’m 36 weeks and then weekly until baby is born, so hopefully the wait isn’t so awful all the time. Luckily, Dan’s cousin and her hubby were there as well, so I had someone to chat with. She’s overdue by a few days now, so hopefully their little girl arrives soon!
I read in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” to start counting kicks once you’re into the 3rd trimester, so I started keeping track of how long it takes for me to feel 10 movements. I feel him most when I first get into bed, and so far, it hasn’t taken longer than 9 minutes to feel 10 movements! My OB said if I haven’t felt 6 within 2 hours, to go to emerg... so far, I think I’m good!).
Dan and I also registered for a prenatal class at the end of November, which is a 6 hour course on a Sunday. My OB recommended it and it’s run by two perinatal nurses and a lactation consultant from our local hospital. It’s supposed to cover topics related to late pregnancy, coping and pain management techniques for labour, birth and the post partum period, as well as breastfeeding. Hopefully it’s useful and worth the money!
The nursery is coming along nicely! I won’t be showing any photos until it’s completely done, which will definitely be before December! I hope it’ll be worth the wait. Personally, I love it and it’s coming together just as I imagined.
No OOTW post today because I’m saving my outfit for tomorrow night. My mom is hosting a jewelry party and I have a cute dress from Seraphine Maternity to wear. I’ll post it on Friday, I promise! For now, here’s a picture of my hospital “clothes!” A new fleecy leopard print robe from Winners and the softest pink PJ’s from Zellers! At least I’ll be comfy... well... as comfy as one can be pushing out a child! LOL.
Have a great week everyone : )
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