Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scary stuff...

Last Wednesday, I had an ultrasound to check on the position of the placenta. On Thursday, I had my 30 week doctors appointment, to get the results. I was so relieved when my OB told me my placenta had moved up and away from the cervical opening!  After getting all excited, though, she proceeded to tell me I have anAnechoic avascular area (4.9 x 2.0 x 5.1cm) along the inferior placental edge, which may be an area of focal abruption". Ok, so she didn’t actually say that, but that’s what the report says!

Here’s what it means in English for us “lay” people...

There’s an area (4.9 x 2.0 x 5.1cm) with no blood vessels/circulation, along the edge of the placenta. The placenta has partially separated from the uterine wall.

Sounds bad, right?! 

Well, I STUPIDLY got home and started googling away and I found out that “placental abruption”, as its called, happens because of trauma to the abdomen, smoking, cocaine use, blood clotting disorders, diabetes, high-blood pressure, being of “advanced maternal age”, or having a large number of past deliveries. Do I check any of these boxes? NOOOO! 

I also haven’t had ANY symptoms that would normally be markers of a placental abruption, so I'm taking that as a good sign. My OB told me not to worry, that often times these things can heal themselves. As a precaution, she’s scheduled another ultrasound at 34 weeks (so in about 2 weeks from now). She told me I need to report any cramping, abdominal pain or bleeding to her immediately, or go to Emerg (which I would anyways!). Placental abruption happens in about 1% of pregnancies, and as long as it doesn’t become severe, shouldn’t cause any harm to the baby or myself. (I really don’t want to think/type/talk about what would happen if it DOES become severe, so I’ll leave it at that). 

TIME FOR THE GOOD NEWS! My “condition” doesn’t seem to be effecting the little man’s growth or well-being in any way. He measured perfectly in all his percentiles (between 40 and 65 percent), and scored an 8/8 on his Biophysical Profile, during the ultrasound. That means his posture and muscle tone are great, he showed 3 or more distinct movements within 30 minutes (not surprised at all on that one!), he showed off his “practice breathing” for at least 30 seconds (it was so cute seeing him open and close his mouth), and there is the right amount of amniotic fluid surrounding him. Hooray! The ultrasound also put his weight estimate at 3lb 6oz for 30 weeks - right where it should be (and his huge head is already 12” in circumference!) My OB said he’ll put on about 1/2 a pound a week from now until 37 weeks, after which his gain will slow down a bit until he’s born. That means by 37 weeks, he should weigh almost 7 lbs). 

Check out my teeth!

Anyways, we need to continue with the “Go Placenta Go” cheers, and obviously thoughts and prayers are always appreciated. The placental abruption is pretty worrisome for me (and I ALWAYS worry more than I should), but I’m taking good care of myself and trying to “take ‘er easy”. Hopefully, it will heal itself, and the remainder of my pregnancy will be trouble-free! 

In other news, this past weekend, one of my best friends, Jacqueline, took maternity photos of Dan and I! (... there I go again with the excessive comma use, somebody help me!). We were lucky enough to have BEAUTIFUL weather, and we had so much fun getting our photos done together (The first time since our wedding nearly 3 years ago!) I hope to have a few to post within the next few days, which means Dan will finally be making his long-awaited (lol maybe not!?) blog appearance! 

I think that’s all for now. Hope everyone is having a great week :) 


  1. That would be scary - praying the baby stays safe and the ultrasound looks good in a couple weeks!
