Hey guys! It’s been FAR too long since I last blogged. In my defense though, we’ve had ALOT going on. We’re moving! We sold our townhouse a couple weeks back and we’re moving into a newer, larger, detached house with a fenced yard and an acceptable amount of stairs! (For those of you who have been to our current home, you’ll know what I mean ... talk about a leg workout!) Anyways - we move on April 26th, so we’ve been spending all our spare time packing!
Easton will be 3 MONTHS OLD in just a few days! In my opinion, he’s getting cuter and cuter everyday... and bigger, and smarter and more stubborn (like his mama!).
I’m going to share my Easton updates in the form of a letter to him, like last time. I think it’s a cute way to remember all the milestones and give him something personal to look back at when he’s older.
Dear Easton (E, Easty, Beastie Boy)
Where to start. Getting to know you these last three months have been such an amazing experience for your dad and I. You’re developing such a little personality, and its so fun watching you reach each new milestone. It seems like every day, you’re doing something new!
When you wake up in the morning, you’re FULL of smiles! I usually take you out of your bassinet and lay with you in our bed for a little while, just chatting with you and admiring your cuteness! You love to smile and giggle on the change table, as I dress you for the day.
We’re getting into a reliable routine, which helps mommy a lot! After your "breakfast", you sit with me in the kitchen and let me have mine. About 1.5 - 2 hours after you get up, you’re ready for a nap! You usually go down at about 9:30 and sleep until about 11:00. When you were about 10 weeks old, you started sleeping in your crib in your own room at nap time, rather than in your swing like before. I swaddle you up, give you your soother and you’re lights out in about 10 minutes, with hardly any fuss! Good job :)
After your morning nap, I usually put you on your activity mat, or in your swing with a toy for a little while, while I catch up on laundry or cleaning. You’re happy for about 30 minutes but then you get bored! We typically do tummy-time after that and you’re getting really good at it! Your neck is very strong and you’re starting to enjoy it (you used to cry hysterically after 30 seconds on your tummy!)
By about 12:30, your ready for another nap. You’ve developed a bit of a catnapping habit, so after 45 minutes, you’re awake again. I’m waiting for the day when you consolidate your sleep, and take a longer nap in the morning, and one in the afternoon. But for now, I’ll have to do things quickly while you sleep!
If I have errands to run, we usually do them in the afternoon around 2 or 3 pm. You still cant help but fall asleep after 10 minutes in the car, and you usually sleep for as long as I’m pushing you around in your stroller. As soon as we stop moving though, you’re up... and hungry! If I don’t have anything I need to get, I try to take you and Lucy for a good long walk outside, since its FINALLY started getting warmer out.
After you’ve woken up from your afternoon nap (around 4), you usually don’t sleep again until its time for bed. You get a little fussy around supper time, so your dad and I have to cook and eat quickly, so we can keep you entertained. You’re usually not happy after dinner unless one of us is holding you and moving constantly!
At around 7 or 7:30, you take a 4 oz bottle of formula from dad (something we started doing when you were around 8 weeks old since otherwise, you would want to nurse for 3 hours straight!). We call it your “daddy milk!”. Then you have bath time (again, with dad, unless he’s working nights), which you love! You get your lotion/massage, your pajamas on, swaddled up tight, and then your last nursing session with mom, in our bed, around 8 pm. Then it’s off to dreamland! I put you down awake, so you have learned to fall asleep on your own. You still sleep in your bassinet beside our bed, but when we move into the new house, we’re going to start having you sleep in your own room!
Normally, you sleep until 1 or 2 am, wake for a feed, then go right back to sleep until 6 or 6:30 am! Mommy sometimes needs more sleep, so I feed you, change your diaper, then we go back to bed until 8 or 8:30, and our routine starts again!
You’ve started cooing and babbling all the time, giggling a little bit, reaching for your toys, putting your hands in your mouth and sucking on your lips! You weigh almost 15 lbs now - up 3 pounds since your 2 month appointment. Big boy! I believe you’re in the 75th percentile for height and weight. You’ve grown out of your 3 month clothes, and you’re fitting into 6 months for the most part! I had to order some onesie extenders so we can get a bit more use out of some of your ‘shorter’ clothes.
You still love to hang out in your swing, although you won’t fall asleep in there anymore. You’ve started sitting in your Bumbo Chair a little bit, but I’m not sure you like it very much since you start fussing after about 10 minutes. We don’t have one at home yet, but Grandma and Papa have an Exersaucer at their house, and you really liked playing in it last time we visited! We had to pad the seat with blankets since you’re still a bit small for it, but you we’re transfixed by all the cool toys, lights and sounds! Your favorite form of entertainment is still people’s faces. You are so serious when you check out new people, but once you get comfortable, you’ll smile and chat with them for ages. Mommy also dances like a crazy person sometimes, and you seem to enjoy it! I’m so glad I don’t embarrass you yet :)
Anyways, little man, that’s all for now! I’ll write to you again soon.
Love you SO much!
Oh my goodness, look at how big Easton's gotten! He is adorable, I love the facial expressions! And your photos of him are gorgeous!