Saturday, January 26, 2013

Easton's Birth Story

I’ve finally finished writing out Easton’s birth story! I took jot-notes on my iPhone throughout the entire labour, so I could remember all the details. It’s LONG and perhaps boring, but I wanted to remember EVERYTHING, so here it is! (All photos taken by me... except the one I'm in...)

On Saturday January 12th (one of our Due Dates - determined by the 9 week U/S), I started feeling regular contractions (about 45 minutes apart) around 8:00 pm, after we had finished dinner and were relaxing on the couch. I had felt what I can only describe as menstrual cramps, periodically that day, but didn’t think anything of it until they came back that evening and were starting to feel stronger. Dan had a hockey game that night and I felt confident that we had a long wait ahead of us, so I told him to go play, just keep his phone close by!  By 10:30 pm, they were 20-30 minutes apart and lasting about 40 seconds. By midnight, I finally realized “this must be it”, since my contractions were now about 10 minutes apart and lasting 50-60 seconds. I decided I’d try to sleep rather than staying up all night timing them, but when I woke up at 3 am they were much more painful and 4 minutes apart, lasting for 50-60 seconds. My obstetrician had told me to head to the hospital when they were 5 minutes apart for an entire hour, so we packed up the car and headed to the hospital around 4:00 am Sunday morning (January 13th).

When we arrived at the hospital, they got us a room in Triage, hooked me up to the “contraction machine” and checked my cervix. At my previous appointment the week prior, I was 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced. The nurse told me my cervix was now dilated 2-3 cm and was 75% effaced. I was excited! Progress!!! We decided to walk around the hospital for an hour to see if I would dilate more (they wont admit you until you’re 4 cm which is what they consider “active labour”). After an hour (and some breakfast at Timmies), we were back in Triage to be checked. 3 cm and 100% effaced. Not much change. Although I was clearly in pain and having regular contractions (which were still 4 minutes apart), they recommended we go back home and come back to the hospital when they were 3 minutes apart. Why tell people to come to the hospital when contractions are 5 minutes apart only to send them home when they’re 4 minutes apart?!?! I was not impressed, but around 8:30 am, we went home anyways.

I was exhausted from being up all night, so I had a nap until 11 am, then we took Lucy for a walk. After all of that, it actually seemed like my contractions were tapering off. They were farther apart and they were definitely less intense than they had been at the hospital. A little part of me thought maybe I wasn’t in labour after all, but I had a gut feeling I would have my baby in my arms very soon!

Eventually, by noon-ish, my contractions had become much more painful and were still 4 minutes apart, so I called the hospital and asked them what I should do. Should I come in or continue to labour at home? They said I could come back to see if I had dilated any more and then they could decide what was best. At around 3 pm, we went back to the hospital for the second time, and I was still at 3 cm. The doctor said I should go home (again! grrr), take a bath and try to relax and see what happens. I was so annoyed about being sent home again, especially since there were at least 10 empty L&D rooms and no one else in triage, plus I was 1 cm away from being admitted! So stupid.

We got home around 4 pm, I had a bath, a light dinner, and tried to nap but my contractions were too painful to sleep through (or talk through, or walk through, or do anything but breathe through) so we headed back to the hospital around 7 pm. The nurses checked me right away since I think they could tell I was in a lot of pain. 4-5 cm! FINALLY enough to get admitted! Third times a charm, I guess?!

We “moved in” to our L&D room around 8:30 pm, and met our amazing nurse, Rachel, who would be with us until baby arrived! We got settled in and I bounced on the exercise ball for a bit, trying to "get things going". My parents stopped in to say a quick hello and wish me luck. I discovered the most comfortable position to endure my contractions was for me to be on my hands and knees with Dan applying as much pressure as he could to my lower back, since that's where I felt alot of the pain. I also did some “breathing exercises”, which seemed to help as well. After my parents left, the on-call doctor and resident came in to introduce themselves around 9 pm. They told me they wanted to break my water since I wasn’t dilating very quickly. I told them they could, but only after I had the epidural! The doctor laughed and told me that was a good decision, since after your water breaks, the contractions become much more intense and more frequent.

At 9:45 pm, I got my IV and received the epidural. I also got a bladder catheter, which was news to me! Nobody told me to expect that! Yuck. I was TERRIFIED about getting the epidural, but it actually didn’t hurt at all… all I could feel was the sensation of a cold liquid being poured down my back, and my feet felt like they were asleep. The IV was actually the most painful part!

At 10 pm, the resident doctor came back in to break my water with her ‘crochet hook’ type contraption, and then her and the nurse laughed at me because apparently I had copious amounts of amniotic fluid…. Good thing my water didn’t break in public! At this point I was 5-6 cm dilated, 100% effaced and baby was in the ideal LOA position. They said it shouldn’t be much longer now!

By 1:30 am on January 14th, I was still 5-6 cm, so the doctor decided to put me on the lowest dose of Oxytocin (Pitocin), to help speed things along.  Shortly after it was administered, I was 6-7 cm dilated.

At 2:30am, the worst 30 minutes of my life began. My epidural ran out, while my nurse was on her break and the stupid break coverage nurse decided it would be a good idea to go and get a new bag and then PLACE IT ON THE TABLE BESIDE ME AND LEAVE! Um… am I supposed to hook it up myself?! The pain was so intense I started feeling nauseous, began sobbing like a big baby, shaking like a leaf (I felt very cold but Dan said I was sweating), and just altogether freaking out! Dan was trying to get me to relax, but with no nurse in sight and a full epidural bag staring at me from the bedside table, that was easier said than done!

Just before 3 am, my nurse Rachel came back from her break and could tell right away, by the terror in my eyes, that I must be in the transitional stage of labour. She checked me right away, and sure enough I was 10 cm dilated! She felt awful that she wasn’t around to make sure my epidural was topped up when I needed it most, but sure enough I had survived the journey from 7-10 cm, without it! She got the epidural topped up right away, and by 3 am, I was back to my (mostly) pain-free bliss. (I say mostly because I had a “patchy” epidural, so the left lower portion of my uterus remained “unfrozen” I guess you could say, and I felt all the contractions in that one spot). 

At exactly 3 am, I started pushing and about 6 or so contractions in, I started feeling nauseous again, and began throwing up. The nurses called the doctors in right away because apparently my body relaxed so much while I was being sick, Easton’s head started crowning and was pretty much out by the time the doctors made it there! At 3:30 am, the doctors arrived and by 3:38 am, after 10 hours of active labour and 38 minutes of pushing, Easton was born!

I’m not nearly a good enough writer to describe to you exactly how I felt when my baby boy was placed on my chest all wrinkly and covered in white goop, but it was an absolutely surreal and incredible moment. He was so perfect and beautiful and amazing and he was ours!  Dan cried, I cried, Easton cried. Our hearts were full of love, and our family was whole!

He stayed on my chest for maybe 2 minutes while I took it all in, and then Dan cut his cord and the nurses whisked him away to be assessed and measured and weighed. He scored a perfect 9/9 on his APGAR, weighed in at 8lb 5oz and measured 21 inches. A big boy! The nurse brough him back to me and helped me feed him, we took a few pictures of our new little family, and then we got him all wrapped up and around 4:45 am, my parents and Dan’s mom and sister came in to meet him! Everyone was enamored by his adorableness and took about 1000 photos, but they didn’t stay long because we were exhausted. Time for some well-deserved sleep, since we all (Easton included) worked very hard getting to this point!

After a night of little sleep, lots of “how do I do this?” moments, and multiple checks on Easton, and myself, we got discharged the next day, around noon and our little family of three went home to start our new life together :)

 Our first day at home!

I hope you enjoyed reading about Easton's birth! I'll try to keep up writing the blog on a regular basis, but it might not be weekly, as it was throughout my pregnancy. We'll see how much free time the little guy allows me!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Easton has arrived!

On January 14th (his due date!), at 3:38 am, Dan and I welcomed our little man - Easton Michael - into the world! He is absolutely perfect in every way, and we are so in love!

While I'm eager to share his birth story, I've been so busy and exhausted this past week, I haven't had a chance to sit down and write it out yet (... I'm excused, right?!). I hope to have the birth story post up before the end of the week, however.

In the meantime, here are some photos of our handsome boy, taken at the hospital! MANY more to come!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

It's our DUE DATE!

Our due date has arrived.... but baby boy has NOT! (Ok, so to be fair, we had 2 due dates given to us. The one based on the 9 week ultrasound is today, the one based on my dating, is Jan 14th) The waiting game is killing me, but I have a feeling it will all come to an end (and a beautiful new beginning!) in just a few days! I’ve been trying my best to exercise patience, but if you know me well, you know it’s not my strong point.

Speaking of patience... I’ve seen a lot of people choosing specific words as a way to sort of represent their new years resolution and I’ve decided that mine will be “patience” for 2013. On an obvious level, being a new mom will require a ton of patience, but on a more introspective level, I need to learn to be more patient with myself and my husband, as well. I’m the type of person that wants things done “yesterday” and I’m not very good at adapting to things being done on anyone else’s schedule. I also have trouble being patient with myself and sometimes “beat myself up” about certain things I wish I could have done better, or sooner, or more effectively, or just differently. Hopefully, with this as my focus for 2013 (among other things.... MANY other things!), I can learn to be more patient with myself and others.

Back to the whole “baby thing”... One reason I’m starting to get impatient about his arrival is because I have a fear of going a week or two overdue, and having to be induced. I’ve read a lot and heard some stories from others about their own induction, and it just doesn’t seem like a pleasant experience. From what I understand, induced labours can cause much less gradual contractions and be way more painful, which is scary! There is also an increased chance of cesarean delivery with induced labours that fail to progress. Another reason I don’t want to be induced is because I want to know that my body can do what its supposed to do and go into labour on its own. I know it sounds silly, but I don’t want to be a failure at being able to deliver a baby without that kind of medical intervention. Anyways, I know that only 50% of babies are actually born by their due dates, and another 30% are born the following week (without induction), so my chances are good that I’ll go into labour before the end of the week... before the end of the day would be nice! LOL.

Sorry for such a short post, but there are a few things I want to get done around the house today! Here is my “Outfit of the Week” for week 40. Dan and I went out for Chinese food last night and then had some friends over for a hilarious game of Balderdash!

Dress: Joe Fresh
Tights: Seraphine Maternity
Purse: H&M
Boots: Aldo

Have a great weekend everyone! Hopefully, my next post will feature a few pictures of a beautiful baby boy and the story of his birthday :)

Saturday, January 05, 2013

It COULD be any day now... or not.

Here we are - a week before our due date. It could be any day now! ... Or another 2 weeks. It's BRUTAL not knowing when it will happen! Since New Years day I've been going to bed hoping that I'd wake up in the middle of the night with contractions or laying in a puddle of "water", and be off to the hospital to have a baby. Then I wake up in the morning feeling defeated, sore and still pregnant. Very pregnant. Man, do I envy the girls who have their first babies at 38 weeks! I guess I have to look on the bright side. He's obviously not here yet because he's not finished cooking, so it's best to let him do his thing until he's ready. It's just so much easier said, than done!

39 week belly shot (and check out my new iPhone 5 - I'm in love!)

Anyways, I thought I'd do another "Pregnancy Journal" update, since it COULD be the last. Here it is...

39 Weeks Pregnant

Size of baby: Your baby's the size of a watermelon! The average baby is about 20.5 inches long from head to toe and weighs approximately 7.5 pounds at birth, but anywhere between 5 pounds 11.5 ounces and 8 pounds 5.75 ounces, is a healthy range for newborns.

What's baby up to?: Your amniotic fluid, once clear, is now pale and milky from your baby's shedding vernix caseosa. The outer layers of skin are also sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. His brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. His head has dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder.

Total weight gain/loss: + 29 lbs (I actually lost 3 pounds since last week... apparently a slight weight loss is a sign that labour is imminent! A girl can hope!)

Pregnancy symptoms:
Fatigue (followed by bursts of energy and nesting/cleaning urges), constant backaches and pelvic pressure/pain, heartburn (only when I’m in bed - a couple Tums seems to do the trick), more frequent urination, and a couple other symptoms I would classify as “TMI”, and spare you from!

Maternity clothes?: Pretty much everything. And I haven’t worn pants in like 2 weeks because the waist band digs in too much ... leggings are my bottom of choice these days!

Stretch marks?: None. C’mon skin... you can do it! Just a bit longer!

Sleep: about 9 hrs during the night, with the occasional afternoon nap!

Best moment this past week: Probably hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend on NYE (Dan was working)... baby related... learning that I’m 1cm dilated. Hey - it’s something!

Miss Anything?: My pre-pregnancy clothes, walking without discomfort, being able to sleep through the night!

Movement: Still lots - It generally feels much lower now, but I still get the occasional kick to the ribs or a foot that presses against the side of my belly and hangs out there for a while, until I push it back in!

Food Cravings: Fruit (specifically blackberries and pineapple), cheese, milk.

Exercise: Lots of dog walking!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.

Gender predictions: It’s a boy!

Labor sigs: Yes actually - engaged head, 1cm dilated... and those “TMI” symptoms I wont share here, since I don't want to gross anyone out :)

Belly Button in or out: Mostly out.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Happy or Moody: Happy (for the most part), but I’m ready to be done!

Looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy! I have another OB appointment on Monday, so I’m hoping I’ll show more progress and hopefully have him before my due date, which is January 12th! (Statistically speaking, only 50% of babies are born by their due date, and another 30% are born the following week, so it’s pretty much a given that he’ll be in my arms by the 19th, at the very latest)

Baby boy's "Going Home Outfit" - all packed and ready to go!

I'm not feeling the greatest today (achy all over, and kinda flu-ish), plus Dan is working so I have no one to take my Outfit of the Week photos. I think it's a pajama day, for this girl!

Have a great weekend everyone!