Thursday, November 08, 2012

Down to single digit weeks now!

Pregnancy Journal for Week: 31

Size of Baby: 16" long and approximately 3.5 lbs. From this week on, he will continue to gain around ½ pound a week until shortly before birth.

What's baby up to?: Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out -- and they are finally proportional in size to his head. Your baby's organs are continuing to mature and he is passing water from his bladder: good practice for the urinating he'll do after he's born. Soon you can wonder what your baby is wishing for -- brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight. 

At my ultrasound yesterday, I also found out that baby boy is already in the ideal position for birth -  “Left Occupit Anterior” - which means he’s positioned something like this:

His head is down (to the right of my pelvis), his back curves along my left side, his bum is up near my left ribs, and his legs and arms are all hangin’ out together on my right side! 

Total weight gain/loss: +24 lbs (my gain seems to be slowing down, which they say can happen in the 3rd trimester. I should try to gain at least another 6 lbs though, since my doctor recommended I gain at least 30 lbs total. Shouldn't be a problem with 9 more weeks to go! 

Pregnancy symptoms: Fatigue, backaches, Braxton Hicks contractions, occasional shortness of breath, occasional heartburn, frequent urination!

Maternity clothes?: Yep, pretty much everything. Still wearing my pre-preg pants with a “Belly Band” and non-maternity cardigans with mat tanks have become my "go-to teacher-wear". 

Stretch marks?: Nada! My mom didn’t get any with me or my brother, so I’m hoping I get lucky.

Sleep: about 9 hrs during the night, with the occasional afternoon nap! 

Best moment this past week: Seeing my little man again at my ultrasound on Wednesday (which was to check if the placenta had moved up enough for a vaginal delivery). He looked so squished in there! Much bigger and chubbier than he did at my 20 week scan. Keep growing little man! According to the ultrasound tech, he was opening and closing his mouth doing “practice breathing” and that’s what causes all the hiccups I’ve been feeling lately! He’s also still a boy - I asked to see his “parts” again, just to make sure! LOL. 

Miss Anything?: Being able to put my socks and shoes on without a struggle! 

Movement: Tons! I often feel his little bum protruding on my left side and his kicks on my right. Check out this video I posted last night of his crazy dance moves!

Food Cravings: Indian and Thai food, cranberry juice, milk, dark chocolate.

Exercise: Lots of dog walking! 

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope!

Gender predictions: It’s a boy! 

Labor sigs: Nope

Belly Button in or out: Mostly out.

Wedding rings on or off: On! (I haven’t experienced any swelling at all...)

Happy or Moody: Happy! 

Looking forward to: So much! Two baby showers coming up at the end of the month, finishing the nursery decor (it’s so close to being complete! I cant wait to show you!), the stroller and bassinet arriving, the prenatal class we’re taking at the end of November, Dan’s graduation from police college (and his return HOME!), just over a month left of teaching, then CHRISTMAS! 

Age when you found out you were pregnant: 25 (I turned 26 the following week)

How far along were you when you found out?: like 10 days! But since they calculate it according to the first day of your last period, 3.5 weeks. Confusing! 

How far along were you when you felt baby kick for the first time?: I think about 18 or 19 weeks.

Do you have a name picked out?: Yes :)

When did you decide on a name, and who picked it?: We decided on it after we found out he was a boy, so in August. I found it online and mentioned it to Dan. It was one of the few names he actually liked, so that made it easy! 

What kind of birth plan are you considering?: A “Go With the Flow” plan! I’d like to see how things progress and make decisions as we go, so I’m not disappointed if things don’t happen the way I expected.

What pregnancy related books have you read/are you currently reading?: What to Expect When You're Expecting; The Pregnancy Bible; The Happiest Baby on the Block; What to Expect the First Years.

Any weird pregnancy dreams?: Nothing lately, but in the first trimester I had a dream I gave birth to a lobster in the toilet. So weird.

Who do you want in the delivery room with you?: Just Dan... and the doctor and nurses, of course! I want our immediate families to come in shortly after though, once baby and I are “all cleaned up”. 

Are you planning on breastfeeding?: Absolutely. It’s the most natural and healthy food for baby, so if it’s difficult at first, it’s something I will be really persistent about. 

Do you plan on having any more little ones?: Let’s see how things go with this one first! LOL. I think we’d like to have two kids. 

Baby products you'd like to try: There are so many things on my registry (and Christmas list!) that I can't wait to try. Here are a few...

The "mamaRoo" by 4moms

"Grass drying rack" by Boon (lol just because it's cute!)

The "Change-it-up Clutch" by Petunia Picklebottom 


  1. Good Luck - it all is just so exciting. I love seeing all your posts ... you're about 10 weeks in front of me. I love seeing all of your fashion posts (even though I am moving into summer - down here in Australia), you've introducted me to some great online brands and some inspiration for when I am breastfeeding. Thanks, Shari from

    1. Thank you Shari! I'll start following your blog :)
