Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Mommy and baby boy have some sweet new duds! I ordered a few items from Seraphine Maternity and I absolutely adore them! My favourite item this week has been my new Burgundy skinny jeans. They're the perfect shade for fall, super-duper comfy, surprisingly long enough (I'm 5'11) and perhaps best of all, they make the tush look cute! They have a narrow elastic waist band which means I can wear them throughout my pregnancy AND after baby is born! They're stylish and fun and I love the fact that I can still feel trendy and cute even as my waist expands on a daily basis! 

I decided I'm going to do a "Maternity Outfit of the Week" post each week so I remain motivated to dress myself acceptably (even when I feel like crap!), and so I remember to get a belly photo! I hope you enjoy the first one: Week 21!

Jeans: Seraphine 
Top: Old Navy
Necklace: Suzy Shier
Sandals: Gap

Since finding out the gender on Monday (and since I have some new clothes for myself!), I just had to go shopping for some baby boy clothes! I hit up H&M yesterday and bought some super cute outfits for our little man! I happened to have a gift card to the mall (that I got for my birthday in May) which MIRACULOUSLY had a remaining balance on it, so I got all of these clothes for only $12! SWEET! 

Look at the difference between 2-4 months and 9-12 months! 

For our little Rockstar! 
And who doesn't love the preppy look for little boys!?
Requisite hat and mitts for our January dude!

How far along? 20 weeks (August 27th 2012)

Size of baby: 10” from head to heel (about the size of a leek) and 10.5 oz.

What's baby up to?: Baby is gearing up for the next phase in his development—filling out. His organs are getting into their proper places. His kidneys are now in position with their familiar bean shape. His testes have reached their position. His brain continues to form and grow. His teeth are beginning to appear, and he can swallow. If you haven't been able to feel him move, chances are you'll be feeling him move more and more over the coming weeks. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby and protects the skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. The baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. 

Total weight gain: 15 lbs 

Pregnancy symptoms: Lots of heartburn this week! Ugggh!

Maternity clothes? Yep - pretty much everything I’m wearing is maternity now with the exception of 2 pairs of shorts (which will probably get packed away soon as the weather cools down). I received my order from Seraphine Maternity ( late last week so I’ve been rocking my new blue jeans and burgundy skinny jeans lately and can’t wait to wear some new fall pieces when schools starts up again! I’ll be the most stylist pregnant supply teacher you know!  

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: 8 hours and the occasional mid-afternoon nap. I bought a body pillow to try to prevent me from rolling onto my back (which isn’t advisable during pregnancy), and I totally love it! Dan laughed at my the other day as he was leaving for work because I was apparently holding onto this thing for dear life! Whatever - I better enjoy my sleep while I still can! 

Best moment this past week: Having our 20 week anatomy scan/ultrasound and learning that we’ll be welcoming a beautiful baby boy into the world come January! (I might also mention again that my gender prediction was right! Call it mothers intuition!)

Have you told family and friends: We shared the news of our sons arrival pretty much as soon as I wiped the blue ultrasound gel off my belly! 

Miss Anything? Caffeine and being able to ACTUALLY exercise (I’m still going to the gym but all I can do without getting a massive cramp is walk on the treadmill at a snails pace and lift some light weights)

Movement: Yes! Within the last week or 2 I’ve started feeling lots of movement and little kicks. They started at the sides of my belly but now I can feel them right in the center, mostly before I fall asleep at night.

Food Cravings:  Butter chicken! But we had it last night for dinner and it gave me wicked heartburn :( 

Anything making you queasy or sick:  My sense of smell has become stronger since being pregnant and garbage just takes me over the edge. I have to hold my breath when I open the cupboard under the sink. 

Have you started to show yet: Yep - I think I’m finally starting to look pregnant as opposed to chubby! 

Gender predictions: Predict no more -  IT’S A BOY! 

Labor sigs: No

Belly Button in or out: In-betweeny 

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or Moody: Happy!

Looking forward to: Starting to decorate the nursery and being able to buy cute little man outfits! 

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